Refund Policy

Insignia Returns Policy

Returns and Refund Policy

You can cancel your order without penalty at any time prior to the goods being dispatched from our warehouse. If the goods have left the warehouse and cannot be delivered due to reasons beyond our control, return charges will apply. These reasons include, but are not limited to:

  • The customer cancels the order after the items have been dispatched
  • We are unable to complete the delivery due to access issues
  • The customer is unavailable or unable to take delivery of the goods

Within 14 working days of receiving your delivery

We are confident that you will be delighted with your purchase. In the unlikely event that you should wish to return an item to us, we are pleased to offer a 14 day money back guarantee, commencing the day after delivery. This means you have the right to cancel your order within 14 working days without penalty; the only liability being for any return carriage costs. If any items are incorrect, damaged or faulty you should notify us within 48 hours via the delivery damage form. You will need to provide us with the Invoice number for your order. Please return the item(s) in the same condition as received and in the original packaging. Once the items have been returned they will be inspected. You will receive your refund within 30 days of cancellation.

Exempt from refund are Bespoke orders. Black, white, carbon or any other designs which have been added to the showers fall under the category of bespoke orders.

After 14 working days of receiving your delivery

After this 14 working day period, we are unable to accept returns, and your warranty will be in effect. Please note these terms do not affect your statutory rights.