The all new INS4000 | Insignia Steam Shower

The all new INS4000 | Insignia Steam Shower
It's been all go at Insignia this year, yet again. We've had new starters, new ranges/showers and so much more. This brings me to tell you about something very new...

We have launched a new product (INS4000) - exciting stuff ay?

The INS4000 is packed with our trademark features alongside it's very unique features exclusive to this shower only. When we say our trademark features these include Steam, Bluetooth and Chromotherapy to say the least.

So let's get down to business...

This cabin is a rectangular shape and has been very popular due to it being one of our bigger models. The spacious design allows parents to assist showering their children or gives the feeling of free space while enjoying a relaxing steam. Extended shelves and added mirrors - none of the other models have these features. The mirror is offset to the left-hand side and has an extended shelf for all you ladies to stock up the shower with all the beauty products you need. We had a lot of room to play with due to the spacious 1400mm width, so we designed the chromotherapy to be spread over the whole roof. The mirror helps with the chromotherapy to bounce around the cabin. Imagine this, you wouldn't need to go out for a night out - just have a mini disco using the chromotherapy and Bluetooth function! It's been a very popular launch already so we can tell this is something our customers needed to best suit their requirements and bathroom design. If you would like anymore information about this model please click here. Insignia_INS4000_Steam_Shower_Image