Steam Shower Spares

Steam Shower Spares
IMG_1551   Shower spares is an incredibly important topic, especially if you are in need of parts. There are many shower companies out there who simply do not have the spares backup to rectify any issue should one arise. This is where we differ, because Insignia boasts the largest shower spares collection in the entirety of Europe. Should anything go wrong on your shower we do not run away from our responsibilities to you as our valued customer. Should you have registered your shower since April 2013 then you will have a 5 year parts warranty for this so will receive them free of charge. Should you be outside warranty for any reason, spare parts are maintained in stock just in case. We receive phone calls from customers who not only have purchased a different brand of shower seeking spare parts, but the rival company even recommend us to their customer and go as far as sourcing the contact details for them. In the majority of cases we unfortunately can not help as our spare parts are specifically designed for our showers. There are a few rare cases where we can save the day and get a spare part that fits for a non Insignia shower. It's difficult sometimes, as initially when you purchase an item you don’t think about spare parts and what happens when something goes wrong. One of the main things that will sway you towards a product is quality and price. An Insignia shower is of the utmost quality with rigorous quality checking both in the Insignia factory in China and in the UK depot before delivery. Naturally we live in a realistic world and not an ideal world so we know from time to time an item can fail and need replacing. This is why we offer the 5 year parts warranty, because we are confident things will not go wrong but should the unusual occur, then we have the parts backup to rectify the problem very easily.